Giving Tuesday

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Pittsburgh Behavioral Services Inc
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Help us provide quality training and support to our kids with Autism and special needs. We need you


raised by 0 people

$50,000 goal

PBS's mission is to provide cutting-edge, research-based care to children with Autism, ensuring they have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Our approach is rooted in inclusion, diversity, education, and training, making a positive impact on both local and global communities. By combining ABA School and clinical therapies, we address the unique needs of our vulnerable students every day. Through partnerships with public schools, churches, and international organizations, we extend our reach and transform lives. 

Inspired by our values, we collaborate with institutions locally and around the world, offering training to support children with autism and special needs in their community. This partnership and the generosity of donors, empower us to expand our initiatives. Our dedication to holistic care sets us apart by providing educational, occupational, physical, and speech therapies, alongside comprehensive support for families. 

Recognizing the strain special needs can place on families. In our One-to-One program, we establish quality programs, giving parents time while their child receives compassionate care. By supporting families, we believe we can achieve better outcomes for the children and communities we serve. 

At PBS, we uphold the belief that every individual is uniquely created and possesses inherent worth and love. It is our privilege and obligation to care for our most vulnerable members. We practice inclusion, acknowledging the diversity within our community, providing a nurturing environment for all children. Our dedicated volunteers play a crucial role in the PBS family, selflessly serving with quality training, and contributing to our mission. 

In summary, PBS's mission is to provide cutting-edge care for children with Autism, promoting inclusion, diversity, education, and training. We aim to help each child reach their full potential while supporting families emotionally and spiritually. By partnering with organizations globally and engaging compassionate volunteers, we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of our most vulnerable and strengthen our communities.

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