America Solidaria U.S.

A nonprofit organization

$920 raised by 29 donors

America Solidaria, registered in the US as Serving the Americas Foundation, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that works to ensure that children from the most disadvantaged communities throughout the Americas have what they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

We work with community-based organizations to develop capacity-building projects in education, health, and income generation that are led by teams of international professional fellows in year-long residencies.

Founded in Santiago, Chile in 2002, America Solidaria has developed more than 330 projects involving more than 700 professional volunteers at 96 non-profit organizations in 13 countries. Every year, more than 33,000 people throughout the Americas benefit from our collective effort.

Our model allows America Solidaria to identify the pressing needs of the communities we serve in collaboration with local non-profit organizations. We design and implement high-impact programs, placing skilled volunteers to contribute to the identified projects, typically focused on providing advancement opportunities for children, youth, and families living in poverty.

By training and placing skilled volunteers with local non-profits, we benefit the most vulnerable communities in the Americas and build capacity in our partner organizations. Furthermore, we provide valuable experience to future global leaders, empowering our volunteers to address hemispheric development issues, to improve governance within civil society, and to strengthen regional bonds. 

Organization Data


Organization name

America Solidaria U.S.

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family Economic Development


1725 I St. NW Suite 300