Organization name
Anne Arundel County Literacy Council
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
80 West St. Suite AEDGEWATER, MD 21401
"My tutor Susann played a huge role in helping me pass my GED. I am very thankful for the help I got from the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council " -student Sarah
Your tax-deductible donation to the Literacy Council will improve the lives of your Anne Arundel County neighbors by providing free reading, writing, math, and English instruction for interested low-income adults and out-of-school youth. Student books, tutoring, and assessments are provided free of charge, and tutoring occurs at convenient times and locations throughout the county. This past year 247 students were given the opportunity to achieve GEDs, jobs, better-paying jobs, driver licenses, and an improved quality of life through this free program!
Each fully trained volunteer tutor is matched with a student to focus on that particular student’s needs. This individualized approach to adult learning addresses the need to meet people "where they are" physically, socially, and emotionally.
We have won 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, 2017, and 2018 Top-Rated Great Nonprofit Awards and earned the GuideStar Gold Seal of Financial Transparency. You can view our 131 top reviews at and at
Organization name
Anne Arundel County Literacy Council
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
80 West St. Suite A