The Freedom Center for Social Justice

A nonprofit organization

For over 15 years The Freedom Center for Social Justice has been a beacon of hope and empowerment for marginalized communities in North Carolina. Since its founding, FCSJ has remained steadfast in its commitment to providing support, advocacy, and resources to individuals facing intersecting forms of oppression. 

Thanks to the unwavering support of community members, all services are offered free of charge, ensuring accessibility to those in need. For more information about our vital programs and initiatives, visit our website at

Our mission is to uplift marginalized communities by providing essential programs, fostering unconditional acceptance, and nurturing safe spaces for self-expression through advocacy, leadership, and community support. We achieve this through our core values:


Our great educational efforts focus on helping to increase enlightenment and promote readiness for people to be engaged in social and political processes. Our belief is that it is not enough to simply educate our community… We must equip them with the tools needed to truly affect change. 


Our advocacy work centers LGBTQIA+ issues, voter disenfranchisement, and equal protections under the law. Our work is intersectional and intergenerational. We collaborate in close partnership with multiple other organizations with aligned goals, values and efforts in the social justice arena in North Carolina.


We celebrate the fullness of our humanity by working intentionally through the intersections of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, faith, age, and class. We aim to celebrate differences to help ensure we all have a chance to thrive in a just and safe world for all.


Your generous donations play a pivotal role in fueling the impactful work we do across all of our programs at The Freedom Center for Social Justice. With your support, we are able to provide vital resources, support, and advocacy to marginalized communities, empowering individuals to overcome systemic barriers and thrive authentically. From our transformative programs such as Girls Trip, the Trans Faith and Action Network retreat, and Liberating Theologies to our community engagement programs like Clack The Vote, Kitchen Table Talks, and For Them Too, your contributions directly impact the lives of those we serve.

Together, we are creating a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to live with dignity and respect. Your donation makes a difference. Thank you for your continued support.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Freedom Center for Social Justice

other names


Tax id (EIN)



Education Faith Community





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