Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity

A nonprofit organization

$7,982 raised by 23 donors

16% complete

$50,000 Goal


Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity

Your contributions will help us raise up the next generation of Asian American faith leaders! We are especially committed to the work of advancing gender equality at the pulpit. Your financial support will keep our programs for Asian American women pastors going, like PastoraLab, which trains women in the organizational and leadership skills they need for their ministries to thrive. 


We create a third space of learning where leaders in the academy, church, and community can collaboratively advance the development of Asian American faith leaders. Based on mutual learning & empowerment, our work includes mentorship, hosting conferences & seminars, and publishing resources on Asian American Christianity that crosses the boundaries of ethnicity, generation, and gender.

Latest News For GiveInMay Campaign:

Russell Moy Commits $10k Matching Fund for GiveInMay Campaign in Tribute to Late Mother

As part of the GiveInMay campaign, ISAAC will honor Dorothy Jhung Moy, Russell Moy’s late mother. Because of his mother’s legacy, Russell will match the first $10,000 ISAAC raises to honor Dorothy’s impactful life. Russell Moy was ISAAC’s co-founder and currently serves as ISAAC’s Board Chair.


Less than 5 percent of Asian American churches are led by women of color.
Even fewer see Asian American women pastors in predominantly Asian congregations.
We aim to change that.

PastoraLab for Asian American Women Ministers is a two-year program that equips AAPI women ministers with the knowledge, learning, and empowerment to advance their pastoral leadership. Participants follow a field-based curriculum that cover Biblical foundations for an Asian American hermeneutic, organizational leadership, and economic and ecological stewardship to thrive in their ministries, and other skills to help them succeed in their ministries

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Asian American Christians are invisible in most religious research. People without data are not a people. Therefore, there is an urgency to survey and collect data to identify and locate Asian Americans. When there is no quantifiable data other than relying on anecdotal observations, it is impossible to chart the history and trends of Asian American Christianity and to strategize how to confront emerging challenges.  

There are no organizations studying Asian American Christians in an evidence-based systematic fashion. 

ISAAC aims to help fill this gap by creating a Big Tent for the Asian American Christian community. Our vision is to gather Asian American Christians together to reimagine our future. Accomplishing this will require scaling our mission and inviting other groups and individuals to collaborate with us so that, as a community, we can build an inspiring, innovative, and inclusive future. With this in mind, we are launching a venture known as HEARD.


Our podcast provides resources and perspectives for AAPI and Latina women to become more effective preachers. Guests have covered topics including wrestling with Biblical texts, God and gendered language, church planting, and organizational change. The podcast is available on iTunes and Spotify. 

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This training program will fill in gaps that are often overlooked in seminary training. A cohort of church teams will explore their uniqueness as Asian American Christians and the challenges of leading their congregations.

Quantitative Research on Asian American Congregational Leadership Practice

From 2022 to 2024, ISAAC conducted the pilot phase of its national survey aimed at understanding the practices, challenges, and growth trends of Asian American congregational leadership. We disseminated the survey to 800 Asian American English Language Faith communities. The preliminary results provide important findings for understanding Asian American churches including their leadership culture and participation in stopping anti-Asian hate. 

New funding will allow Phase II of this research so the survey can be disseminated to our entire database of 6,000 Asian American congregations.


Thank you in advance for supporting our vision. The fuller representation and opportunities for women ministers to serve the body of Christ will make churches thrive once again and bear witness to the authentic gospel. Would you consider investing in gifted women ministers for the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12)?

Organization Data


Organization name

Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity

Tax id (EIN)



Faith Community


75 South Grand Ave
Pasadena, CA 91105

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