Organization name
The Lyra Society
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
702 North Third Street Suite 737PHILADELPHIA, PA 19123
The Lyra Society, established in 2004, was created to increase awareness of the harp as a major solo instrument, expand the harp repertoire by commissioning gifted composers, educate young harpists, and enrich the lives of students.
The Glissando Program in the Philadelphia Public Schools
We believe the harp is a wonderful vehicle for inspiring students so that music will enrich them for the rest of their lives. The Lyra Society has a vital interest in education as a means for bringing the harp closer to children and young adults. Through your support, we are thrilled to offer in-school presentations—without charge to students—to acquaint and excite young people with the harp. Your generosity also enables us to repair and maintain school-owned harps and to provide students with professional instruction.
The Costello & Phillips Commissioning Awards
Edna Phillips and Marilyn Costello, former Harpists of The Philadelphia Orchestra, contributed to the establishment of The Lyra Society. Ms. Phillips was responsible for commissioning over 50 works featuring harp and Ms. Costello also championed new repertoire. These awards are a living memorial to these women who did so much for the harp. Your generosity enables us to commission new works by world-renowned composers and young composers at the start of their careers.
The Elizabeth Hainen Harp Colony
The Elizabeth Hainen Harp Colony is an advanced training ground for the world’s next generation of professional harpists. The colony is a true pedagogical institution, with emphasis on individual development for promising young harpists as well as professionals. The distinguished faculty conducts an intensive program of master classes, ensemble playing, and orchestral training.
Organization name
The Lyra Society
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Education , Children & Family
702 North Third Street Suite 737