Organization name
The Officer Down Memorial Page
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Memorials
PO BOX 1047FAIRFAX, VA 22038
The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc., (ODMP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring America's fallen law enforcement officers. More than 26,000 officers have died in the line of duty in the United States since 1776 and ODMP is honored to preserve their memories and give friends, family, other officers, and citizens alike the opportunity to remember the fallen and honor their sacrifices.
The Officer Down Memorial Page relies on supporters like you to provide all our free programs and resources to include:
We want you to know that your donations are well-spent and that they make a difference. As such, we are registered with, the world’s largest source of information on non-profit organizations. You can read our charity profile here, see how donations are used, and get a better understanding of what ODMP does as an organization. Currently, just over 85% of donations go directly to supporting our mission and just under 15% is used for overhead and administration costs. We constantly work to keep that number low and to ensure that our first priority is, always, to remember the fallen.
We want people to feel confident that when they donate their hard-earned dollars to the Officer Down Memorial Page, those dollars are being used appropriately and in support of the mission.
Organization name
The Officer Down Memorial Page
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Community , Memorials
PO BOX 1047