Organization name
Sunrise Northeast, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Community
80 Whitney StreetHartford, CT 06105
Did you know nearly 1 in 10 people in the state of Connecticut has a disability? Even so, people with disabilities remain one of the most underserved minority groups in most communities.
At Sunrise Northeast, it is our goal to address the societal and systemic disparities people with disabilities face so that they can lead a valued life within their community.
Part of the Sunrise family of organizations that share the same mission to support men, women, and children with disabilities, Sunrise Northeast has provided critical residential support and life skills training since 1988, while our summer camp based in Waterford's Camp Harkness has been in operation since the 1950s. Along with similar services being provided in six other states, the Sunrise group currently serves over 2,000 individuals, helping them reach their highest levels of independence and choice.
Our mission is made possible, thanks in part to the dedication of generous funders, large and small, in the very same communities we serve. Together, we can provide people with disabilities the support to overcome barriers and the opportunity to thrive that they deserve.
Be sure to visit our featured campaign and consider lending your support today!
Organization name
Sunrise Northeast, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Health , Community
80 Whitney Street