Help me Raise Funds for My Adult Literacy Program
$230 Raised
In the U.S. there are 36 million people over the age of 16 who cannot read and write well enough to fill out a job application,help their child with homework and carry out simple everyday tasks.
Children of parents with low literacy skills have a 72 percent chance of being at the lowest reading levels. These children are more likely to get poor grades, display behavioral problems, have high absentee rates, repeat school years, or drop out.
For more than 30 years, Vision Literacy has partnered with donors, volunteers, and organizations to raise awareness and funds to provide necessary services to adults with low literacy skills.
Through the backing of your kind donations and amazing volunteer tutors, Vision Literacy continues to deliver it’s nationally recognized and accredited program that empowers adult learners to reach their personal goals, build confidence and develop a successful vision for their future.
Your support helps fund and serve our various communities in the Bay area - Cupertino, Milpitas, Mountain View, Santa Clara and Sunnyvale.
Your time and support helps our learners to fill out job applications and improve their English speaking ability in the workplace.
It will also help foster a love of reading in their children, a critical first step in developing goals for college and careers to lifting the confidence of our learners.
Vision Literacy is seeking to close the book on illiteracy in the Bay Area.
It will expand our capacity to assist others in your communities who are eager to improve their ability to read, comprehend and speak confidently in social and work situations.
Your support will help impact lives and create a positive change.
Vision Literacy is now a ProLiteracy Hero
Organization name
Friends of Vision Literacy
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
Sobrato Center for Nonprofits, 540 Valley Way, Bldg. 4