YouStar Foundation

A nonprofit organization

$1,625 raised by 6 donors

8% complete

$20,000 Goal

Depression and mental illness are severely increased due to pandemic. Even though it is preventable and curable, unprecedented mental illness is not easy to be accepted but also not easy to find a solution within the family. However, the most effective support and prevention can be provided from the immediate family members.

Through the counseling seminar with a clinical psychologist, parent and child can hear the case study together and apply it to their own problem and aslo they can find an aswer during Q&A Session.

Also, basic concept of mental illness and self assessment will be provided during the seminar and many resources for support and treatment will be introduced.

Monthly counseling seminar will be provided in person and zoom hybrid. Counseling specialist will provide the curriculum and the most recent case study (Real case and the episode in the news, drama and movie) will enhance the understanding of importance and recognition of severity and make participants open their problem to others.

When you open your heart, that will be such a great start. It makes others open and understand and normalize the problem we've been through.

About 50-100 participants in person will join per meeting and it would be recorded and published in YouTube so more people can share the story. We're expecting more than 3000 can be reached with this project regarding mental health awareness and importance of relationship between parent and child. Fund will be used for the seminar and video editing for YouTube.

We've been doing this type of mental health awareness project for a long time and this time we focus on the rebuilding a relationship between parent and child because most mental illness can start from the family but also can be supported and cured effectively by family members. 

Enhancing communication skills and self assessment and self care within the family will be huge impact for the community and we keep doing this project because it takes time and will change the world from the basic.

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Organization name

YouStar Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Health Community


14904 Templar Dr.
La Mirada, CA 90638


213 435 6622

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