#GivingTuesday 2020

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
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Raising $50,000 – the cost of one month's care for the eight elephants living at PAWS' sanctuary.


raised by 479 people

$50,000 goal

$51,000 in matching funds. Double your gift to PAWS!

Elephants are the most expensive animals we care for at the Performing Animal Welfare Society's (PAWS) 2,300-acre ARK 2000 captive wildlife sanctuary in Northern California – and there are eight of them, all rescued or retired from circuses and zoos.

Prince, Nicholas and Gypsy are former circus elephants. Toka, Thika, Maggie and Lulu were retired to PAWS from zoos. Mara has lived at PAWS since 1990, longer than any other PAWS animal. You can read their stories on our website. 

How much does it cost to feed and care for ONE healthy elephant? 

Approximately: $70,000+ per year; $5,800+ per month; $1,350+ per week; $190+ per day! That's almost $50,000 per month for eight elephants. 

The elephants at our sanctuary enjoy a more natural life, roaming expansive natural habitats filled with rolling hills, grass, trees, and lakes and the quiet of nature. But this high level of care comes at a cost of about $50,000 per month. That’s why we need your help this #GivingTuesday. Your gift does so much for the elephants. You supply them with a wholesome diet, 24/7 expert care, veterinary care and treatments, specialized medications for the older elephants. . . and boundless love. 

Please give BIG for the elephants at PAWS!

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