Support Accessible Pride for ALL!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
San Diego PrideEvery dollar counts towards creating a more inclusive and equitable Pride experience for ALL
raised by 52 people
$35,000 goal
San Diego Pride is on a mission to ensure that Pride is accessible to ALL members of our LGBTQ+ community, including those with diverse ability statuses and needs.
Did you know?
- --About one-quarter (24%) of cisgender LGBQ+ adults, and a third (35%) of transgender adults live with a disability.
- --Yet, accessibility remains a significant challenge in many LGBTQ+ spaces, hindering full participation and engagement.
Last year, we launched the Disabled LGBTQ+ Coalition program at San Diego Pride, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering greater inclusivity and empowerment within our community.
Your donation matters! By supporting our Accessibility programming, you're not just funding ramps and interpreters -- you're creating inclusive spaces where disabled LGBTQ+ adults can:
- --Build vital community connections.
- --Engage in leadership development.
- --Advocate for their rights and needs.
Together, we can make a difference! Every dollar counts towards creating a more inclusive and equitable Pride experience for ALL. Let's ensure that no one is left behind. Donate today and empower inclusivity, advocacy, and leadership within our LGBTQ+ community!
#PrideForAll #AccessibilityMatters #GiveOUTDay @sandiegopride