Better Together: EENC's Annual Giving Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Environmental Educators of North Carolina
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Thank you for investing in environmental education. Together, anything is possible.


raised by 188 people

$30,000 goal

⭐️ Thank You ⭐️

Update posted 7 months ago

The numbers are in: our 2023 Better Together Annual Giving Campaign raised over $60,000, the largest giving campaign total in EENC history!

188 donors raised $30,051 over the course of the campaign, unlocking both the original 25K and boosted 30K matches in full – and exceeding our wildest expectations for a truly extraordinary final result. 

THANK YOU, EENC community. It is together – and only together – that we build momentum and drive collective impact for environmental education in North Carolina. 

The EENC Board and Staff extend our sincere appreciation to the anonymous matching grant donor who made this record-breaking year possible, and to all 188 individual donors who contributed to the wave of momentum that carried us all the way to the finish line.  

Thanks to this landmark accomplishment, we’re taking on 2024 with confidence, and a deep sense of excitement for all that’s to come. 

Together, anything is possible.

Your EENC Needs You: We’re Stronger Together

It’s no accident that the first of our organizational values is “We’re Stronger Together.” 2023 brought us these values statements along with major growth, change, and victories that have laid the foundation for a phenomenal 2024.  Now we must act together to ensure that EENC meets new challenges and change gracefully, continuing as a thriving leader for environmental education in North Carolina and across the nation. 

This year we’ve received a generous matching grant to bolster this crucial fundraising drive! With an amazing $25,000 match promised – now boosted to $30,000 to celebrate our success so far! – we must come together to realize the full match and boost our funds and future by $60,000 before the end of the year. 

This organization is special because we are guided by educators, for educators. Now we need your support to ensure that our shared work can continue.

From resource development to professional learning opportunities, to community advocacy, EENC’s successes have direct impact across the environmental education (EE) field and beyond. 2023 highlights include:

The momentum for meaningful change keeps going! Your donation today has an immediate impact on what we’ll accomplish in 2024, like:

  • A new Strategic Plan to guide our next chapter
  • Values-driven transition to innovative shared leadership model among staff
  • Fresh leadership structure on the Board of Directors to maximize members’ talents and amplify committee impact
  • Major resources and professional development to support all educators incorporating EE in their transition to the new science standards
  • Applying data from Phase II of the SEEA Landscape Analysis to directly address EE gaps and needs identified by school teachers and administrators
  • And more!

Your direct involvement and our shared values pave the way.  We’re Stronger Together.  Nature Connection is Essential.  Learning Lasts a Lifetime.  Impact Drives Us.

We critically need your support today to drive our work into 2024. We’ve come far in 30 years, guided by your desire to be informed, teach with purpose, and ensure everyone is included. We got here because of your dreams, hard work, and investment. Now, the need is great, and we need you, our great community. 

We’re stronger with you. Join us to drive the future together.

Giving Activity


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