I'm Possible 2.0

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting


Empower 'I'm Possible' in kids, seniors, & veterans through performing arts education & programs.


raised by 36 people

$20,000 goal

9 months left

Why Access to Performing Arts Education and Programming Is More Important Than Ever

How our kids develop shapes our world. We must provide them with their best chance.

How seniors and veterans stay healthy and vibrant is our duty.

What if you never had an opportunity to be a part of a team, explore inner creativity, find confidence, truly express yourself, or speak publicly?

Learn how to dance, or sing, or even perform? 

What if you couldn’t access online education?

As we go into 2025, education faces unprecedented challenges.

AhHa!Broadway is a crucial part of the solution.

1 in 8 kids in NYC schools know homelessness. Shocking.

Too many schools have no performing arts education or programming. So many seniors and veterans have lost access to much of this programming in community centers. Demand is growing, support is shrinking.

For seniors and veterans, it’s a crucial link to community, staying healthy, and feeling self-worth. 

For kids and teens, it’s critical to their development into balanced, responsible, and fully developed adults -- the future of our nation.

Turn the impossible into possible.

Our goal is to provide an opportunity for children, seniors, and veterans to believe: 

I’m Possible

AhHa!Broadway’s Mission

Around the NYC area, and across other states, AhHa!Broadway provides access to performing arts programming and education and even learning technology, movement classes, and initiatives to encourage literacy. We focus our impact on underserved children, senior citizens, and US veterans.

Everyone must have fair opportunities to Learn. Perform. Believe. Regardless of social or economic reality. 

50% of funding is from your donations.

And we’re grateful. Thank you.

Transformative Impact in 2024, More to Do

In 2023-2024, we accomplished much. 

We shared messages of kindness and promoted literacy. We provided a carload of new books via live performance of The Kindness Project.

Students across 7 underserved schools (kindergarten through high school) received a comprehensive STEAM education program, including puppetry, musical theatre, drone technology, and even 3D virtual reality design. 

We provided comedy writing and performance workshops and movement classes to underserved senior centers and community facilities across NYC. We gave hundreds of kids their first real taste of learning lyrics and choreography for a performance.

And, our Summer Musical Theatre Camp productions were a smash success by inspiring kids what they're capable of, providing mentorship opportunities, and exposing them to all facets of the Broadway musical process on and off stage. It's time to lead the way for others whose future depends on the impact we make.

Bold, New Initiatives in 2025

In addition to past work, here’s our growth plan for 2025:

1. We aim to launch special programs on our roster, specifically designed for people who want access to performing arts. But for them, it's a challenge, including: comedy, writing and expression for neurodivergent adults, dancing for kids with English as a second language, and opportunities for kids without local theatre programs in Queens, New York. 

2. We intend to provide expanded dance movement classes for senior centers in the New York City area and bring those already successful programs to veterans centers as well.

3. We'll widen our successful comedy workshops to more neurodivergent adults and duplicate the program in other New York City area facilities. 

4. Big news, big initiative! 

Only 1/3 of theatre/film/TV is directed by women. 10% of Fortune 500 company CEO’s and less than 30% of US C-suite leaders are women.

To change this, we must provide future women with knowledge, skills, experience, and inspiration. Especially girls who might lack opportunity or resources to do this — due to cultural background or financial limitations that block access.

That’s where we come in.

Performing arts,  in particular theatre, can provide an ideal environment to learn important skills and lay a foundation to impact a girl’s future in performing arts, business, and life.

In 2025, we'll launch a 10-week comprehensive academy-style workshop series Girls Who Direct for up to 20 teen girls in the NYC area, resulting in a performance for a live audience.

Selected area schools will be invited to nominate a girl between 12-17 years old to participate at no cost, based on leadership qualities, ambition, talent, financial need, and diversity considerations.

Why We Need You

All four of these exciting areas of growth can impact many people, making it even more possible for them to learn, perform and believe  — in themselves, in possibility, and in each other.  

And to know: I’m Possible.

To make this happen:

Kids need us. Seniors need us. Veterans need us.

And we need you.

I am asking you to please be a part of what we can accomplish in 2025. We need your help, urgently. Your contribution to our non-profit turns impossible into possible for so many.

Please: donate now to our campaign: I’m Possible.

Thank you.

Heather Edwards, Founder/CEO

Giving Activity



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