Good Food Council of Lewiston-Auburn

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Good Food Council of Lewiston-Auburn
Fundraiser image

Please help us deepen and expand our work: making local food system change from farm-to-fork.


raised by 8 people

$2,500 goal

Halfway to our goal!

Update posted 6 years ago

We've reached the halfway point towards our goal,  and we've extended this fundraiser to January 31st to see if we can reach our goal of $2500 in community support!  Please consider sharing this fundraiser with your network to help us continue this important work.  

Merci! Mahadsanid! Gracias! Thank you!!!!!

Who we are

The Good Food Council of Lewiston-Auburn (GFCLA) is a community-based organization functioning as a coalition and network of people across the Lewiston-Auburn, Maine region including farmers, parents, non-profit organizations, businesses, schools, policy-makers, and more, who are working together to shape a vibrant and equitable food system from farm-to-fork.

The work of the Food Council is based on a collaborative approach to community change.  By design, the Food Council’s success is dependent upon bringing together multiple sectors, community members, public and private entities, and policy makers together with an understanding that community well-being is reliant on a vibrant and equitable food system.

What we’ve done so far

Formed in the summer of 2012, the Good Food Council of Lewiston-Auburn (GFCLA) has:

  • Created the Lewiston-Auburn Community Food Charter  -  the first Food Charter in the State of Maine  -  which declares a vision for a healthy local food system.  Adopted by both the Lewiston and Auburn  City Councils, and over 250 people, businesses, and organizations statewide.

  • Worked with city staff in Lewiston and Auburn to review their comprehensive plans and discuss opportunities for action around food goals.

  • Organized "Feeding Maine: Growing Access to Good Food" photo exhibit and event series in LA; the exhibit documented people working to address hunger in communities across the state, and GFCLA hosted community-building events around the issue.

  • Worked with farmers and food purchasers to increase local 'farm-to-institution' activity by conducting research and organizing a “Central Maine Meet the Buyers” event with the goal of increasing opportunities for more local foods in larger markets.

  • Published the 2013 Community Food Assessment, the first study of local food access of its nature and scope to be conducted in Maine, the data from which has since been used to leverage significant funding for several food and transportation improvement projects in LA.

  • Annually award five LA area entities who are each an example of “living” one or more of the five major Food Charter principles; Assist numerous new and beginning Food Councils throughout Maine; Maintain an active contributor to the Maine Network of Community Food Councils; And more!

Why we need your help now!

Since 2016, Food Council members have committed to annual personal giving to support these many initiatives and our part-time Coordinator who helps us accomplish this critical work.  Our Council members volunteer their time, and to continue to deepen and expand our work, we need to raise additional funds.

Your donations will allow us to make more progress on our current focus areas:

  • Increasing LA Region Farmland Access and Growing the Local Food Economy

  • Reducing Food Waste

  • Good Food Policy Development; including food policy assessments in Lewiston and Auburn.  Examples of 'Good Food Policies' include those that improve food safety and greater access to good food.

As we approach 2019, we are seeking to build our base of community support from those who share the same vision for Lewiston-Auburn as we do.  With your help, L-A can become a place where a thriving food system will support healthy people and neighborhoods with strong local economies.

We have a community fundraising goal of $2500.  Please consider a donation - any amount is helpful and appreciated - to help us reach our goal.


Thank you!

Giving Activity


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