Help Captive Tigers

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
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Raising funds to feed and care for the rescued tigers who have found true sanctuary at PAWS.


raised by 340 people

$100,000 goal


The Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) rescues and cares for captive tigers, bears, and elephants and other wild animals at our 2,300-acre natural habitat ARK 2000 sanctuary in San Andreas, Calif. 

By far, the largest number of animals rescued by PAWS are tigers – making them one of the animals most desperately in need of your help. We have rescued tigers from cub petting operations, circuses, roadside zoos, and private owners. 

We rescued two of our tigers, Rosemary (above) and Morris (below), from a defunct roadside zoo that sold cub petting encounters to the public. Rosemary had litter after litter of her babies cruelly snatched away from her. Saved from lives of exploitation, today these tigers roam spacious natural areas where they contentedly roll in green grass, prowl among bushes and trees, and swim in cool pools.

Caring For Tigers is Expensive

It costs $20,000 to care for one healthy tiger for a year – about $400 a week per big cat. That’s why we need your help. 

Your donation to PAWS works in two important ways: 

  • You provide rescued tigers with large habitats filled with trees, grass, pools, and native vegetation. Our expert staff provides daily care, veterinary attention, nutritious food, and 24/7 monitoring. 
  • You support PAWS’ efforts to end the exploitation of tigers for entertainment.

Tigers Suffer in Circuses and Traveling Acts 

Tigers continue to be exploited for entertainment in circuses and traveling big cat acts, including those that appear at county fairs and other events. They are subjected to intensive confinement, constant travel, cruel training, and deprived of anything natural to them. As a result, tigers suffer terribly.

Click here for PAWS' FACT SHEET and learn more about tigers in circuses and traveling acts.

Tigers Languish in Roadside Zoos

Roadside zoos and attractions confine tigers and other wild animals in poor conditions, including small and dirty cages that lack any mental or physical stimulation. Tigers may be fed improper diets and denied veterinary care, severely compromising their health and and welfare. Abnormal repetitive behaviors, such as constant pacing, are common.

Tiger Cub Interactions/Tigers as "Pets" 

The United States' Big Cat Public Safety Act bans direct physical contact between the public and big cats of any age. This shuts down operations that charge people to pet, hold and take photos with a baby tiger or other big cat. It also prohibits the private ownership of these animals. (Read more here.)

Help Captive Tigers

No captive facility can ever meet all of a tiger's complex needs, but at PAWS we strive to provide our rescued tigers with the best life possible, while fighting to end their exploitation for entertainment.

Here's what you can do:

  • Never attend a circus or traveling show with wild animals.
  • Avoid roadside attractions and zoos.
  • Educate people through a letter to the editor of your local paper and posts on social media.
  • Never pay to handle or take a photo with any captive wild animal!

Since 1984 PAWS has been working to end the suffering of captive wild animals in roadside zoos, the exotic “pet” trade, circuses and other entertainment – while providing safe refuge for elephants, big cats, bears and other wild animals at our 2,300-acre ARK 2000 sanctuary in Northern California. For more information, visit

Click here to subscribe to PAWS' monthly newsletter.

Please make a donation to PAWS today to end the suffering of big cats used for entertainment.


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