#GivingTuesday 2017

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Hebrew Free Loan of San Francisco

We provide interest-free loans to help our community overcome challenges & achieve lifelong dreams.


raised by 71 people

$18,000 goal

And each person we've helped has a unique need. We've helped parents who want to adopt a child or have expensive fertility treatments and start a family. We've helped individuals and families get through periods of unemployment or overcome crippling debt. We've helped students to cope with increased tuition and reduced Federal grants. 

Hebrew Free Loan is the only agency in Northern California that makes interest-free and cost-free loans. We help members of the Jewish community realize their dreams.

Loan categories include: Student; Debt Consolidation; Recently Unemployed; First-time Home Buyer; Special Needs; Lifecycle, Business and more

Giving Activity


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