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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Kentucky Association for Environmental Education
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Please consider donating to an organization that is near and dear to my heart and my work!

7 donors

raised $290

15 donor goal


I know that many of you donate to lots of different environmental causes throughout the year. Let me tell you why THIS cause is different. The Kentucky Association for Environmental Education is a LOCAL organization that has a GLOBAL impact. When many people hear the word "environmental", they think protesters, signs, advocacy. What we do at KAEE is not advocacy. It is education. It is teaching people about the environment and how we interact with it- water for drinking, air to breathe, streams to fish in, trails to hike, and healthy deer herds to hunt. We do not advocate for any particular point of view- the goal is to get people to learn about and understand environmental systems well enough to come to their OWN conclusions about which actions to take and how to best engage. It is teaching critical thinking skills so that each individual can come to determine their own best course of action on any given issue. It is seeing all sides of an argument, hearing different perspectives, and making informed decisions. We can all agree that our world needs more of that!

With your support, this non-profit can continue to provide the high quality work it has done in KY for almost 50 years. KAEE includes people from all walks of life- teachers, school administrators, government and agency personnel, business and industry representatives, and private citizens. KAEE works with members and partners to bring sound environmental education to all Kentuckians. KAEE works to ensure that education about the environment will be taught in every classroom in Kentucky.

Please consider joining me in giving to this important cause this year!


This fundraiser supports

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Kentucky Association for Environmental Education

Organized By Jennifer Hubbard-Sánchez

Giving Activity


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