Kaiser Breitlander Memorial Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

La Paz Global
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In memory of Kaiser Breitlander, this fund provides special services for students at La Paz School


raised by 0 people

$20,000 goal

In loving memory of their son Kaiser James, Sarah and Pete Breitlander established the Kaiser Breitlander Memorial Fund which has since raised over $76,000 since 2015 to help support a wide variety of essential services for La Paz scholarship students including, but not limited to, special educational services, occupational therapy, educational psychology, counseling, and extracurricular activities. These special services are essential to ensuring an equitable and inclusive learning environment at La Paz.

The Kaiser Breitlander Memorial Fund Provides Students with an Equitable and Inclusive Learning Environment

This year the goal is to raise $20,000 to support the Kaiser Breitlander Memorial Fund at La Paz Community School. La Paz is recognized as a non-profit association in Costa Rica as well as a qualified recipient of La Paz Global, a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization in the United States. As a result, all donations made from both the USA and Costa Rica are tax deductible in their respective countries. 


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