Tommy Prudenti: Play It Forward with NCTC 2023
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
North Carolina Theatre ConferenceI'm Playing It Forward for NCTC's College Day - please help me reach my goal!
raised by 37 people
$1,500 goal
I'm currently serving a second term on the NCTC Board of Directors and hope to have your support in not only reaching but exceeding my fundraising goal for the annual NCTC College Day event and the other impactful education programs take place throughout the year. Working in arts education for over a decade, I can see firsthand the transformational power that these programs and events have on theater students and educators all over the state. Any amount big or small helps to keep these programs at a very low cost for students and school groups but I also have some great perks for donations at different levels. Thank you in advance to anyone who helps my fundraiser this year and Plays It Forward with NCTC in 2023!
$25 - A shout-out on social media!
$50 - A shout-out and a special #SLIVING (slaying, living, killing) button mailed to you
$100 - A video shout-out from a Blumeys student past or present & a #SLIVING button mailed to you
$250 - A virtual cheers and a suprise casino thank you from Vegas
$500 - A virtual cheers and tickets to a surprise show!
Thank you in advance for supporting the theater in North Carolina!
Tommy P.