Women for Wildlife

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Tampa Bay Raptor Rescue Inc
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This is the first year of an annual campaign essential to saving and sustaining a raptor sanctuary.

30 donors

raised $3,350

200 donor goal

Women for Wildlife

Photo: My daughter, my greatest conservation achievement.

This is the premiere year of Women for Wildlife.  I began my journey with wildlife 20 years ago, working in the field monitoring eagle and osprey nests. Throughout the past two decades I have rescued hundreds of birds of prey. Along the way, I have been touched by so many women who love nature and wildlife, each carrying their own story.  I am seeking 200 Women of Wildlife to donate $50 each and am encouraging them to continue sharing the story about their connection with wildlife. 

This year I am seeking to sustain a raptor sanctuary in Clearwater, Florida at Moccasin Lake Nature Park.  The needs include food, veterinary care, housing, and equipment.  

All of the raptors at Moccasin Lake Nature Park are permanent residents and educational ambassadors. This collection includes the three global raptors, peregrine falcons, ospreys and barn owls. The osprey is one of the few glove trained ospreys in the world.  

In 2019 we received a non-flighted bald eagle from Busch Gardens. The male eagle named Bolt crash landed on the runway at MacDill Air Force Base. The airmen that rescued him named him Bolt after a lightning bolt symbol on their insignia. 

Bolt spent the next phase of his life reconditioning as much as possible because his injuries required a partial wing amputation. He was only a hatch-year bird when he came to us and now is four years old.  Several of our male volunteers have spent training time with Bolt per my request.  They made some progress with Bolt but for various reasons such as covid and employment Bolt's strong-armed trainers were no longer available.

As an educational ambassador Bolt will teach many about the nature of bald eagles. What he has taught me is not to underestimate myself.  I set my limitations and fears aside and began the process of "manning" the eagle. This requires crate training, perching and glove handling. 

I have "wo-manned" Bolt for two months now. A long process that will pay off with a well-mannered eagle and a now confident me. This is a message I am compelled to share with all women, "don't ever underestimate yourself". 

Our organization also specializes in osprey rescue and nest management issues.  We participate in the American Kestrel Partnership as well, supporting a threatened species in Florida.  I am a permitted rehabilitator and provide Bright Futures programs, Eagle Scout Programs and college internships.  We are members of FWRA, NWRA, IWRC IAATE and the Raptor Research Foundation.

Thank you for supporting Women for Wildlife and helping to sustain this sanctuary.

Giving Activity



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