Sponsor a Youth for Summer Camp at BGCMT
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle TennesseeSummer's right around the corner! Sponsor a youth to attend this summers enrichment program at BGCMT
raised by 0 people
Give youth across Middle Tennessee a safe place this summer!
During the summer months, many kids don't have a safe space where they can stay cool and have fun! Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee offers a dynamic Summer Enrichment Program to rising 1st-12th grade students.
BGCMT's summer program offers youth a safe space to call their own, exposure to fun and exciting field trips, an opportunity for daily physical activities, warm meals and snacks each day, access to education and literacy programs, mentorship from positive role models, and so much more!
Your tax free donation can help sponsor at-risk youth for our Summer Enrichment Program! Thanking you for helping us continue to incredible memories this summer!
#GreatSummersStart Here