Women for Genuine Security (WGS)

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Peace Development Fund Inc
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Send WGS to the International Women's Network Against Militarism convening in Philippines in May!


raised by 87 people

$17,000 goal

WGS Virtual Reportback: Date 29 June 5PMUS Pacific/8PM US EAST

Update posted 1 year ago

Dear Friends and Family, 

Foremost, thank from the bottoms of our hearts to every one of you for your affirmation of our work, encouragement, and financial support. We managed to raise over $17,000 during our fundraising campaign. We are still rubbing our eyes to make sure we are awake!

As a direct result of your support, we were able to participate in a truly inspired and inspiring 10th international meeting of the International Women's Network Against Militarism. Although Super Typhoon Mawar devastated our sisters from and their people in Guahan (Guam) on the second day and COVID seeped through our gathering, we remained steadfast in our devotion and love for one another, our purpose, and our commitment to practice genuine security. We returned even more purposeful and intentional in our work. 

We invite you to come listen to our full story of how an intergenerational, multilingual, transnational feminist gathering of feminist students, parents, activists, teachers, researchers, artists, faith leaders, and musicians talked, laughed, worked, played, and ate together to move our vision and work forward. The conversation at the report-back  will include updates, lessons learned, and ways forward toward a feminist vision of genuine security and culture of life. We believe you will also become more inspired to continue your own good works for justice, peace, genuine security, and a culture of life.

Please join our virtual event on 29 June 5PM US Pacific/8PM US East by clicking on the link below. We will record the meeting and share it later as well.


We will record the event and share it widely later.

with love and appreciation,

Debbie, Gwyn, Jess, Kathy, Margo, Martha, and Tracy

Women for Genuine Security is raising $15,000 to continue our work with our international partners!

And, we need YOUR help!

This May, Women for Genuine Security (WGS) will be attending the first international convening for the International Women's Network against Militarism in 5 years and we need your help!

WGS is the US-based member of the International Women’s Network against Militarism. We envision and promote a world of genuine security based on the principles of Safeguarding the Environment to Sustain Life, Meeting Basic Human Needs, Respect for Human Dignity, Respect for Peoples’ Sovereignty, Preventing Avoidable Harm. 

We'll be traveling from the US to Subic Free Port, Philippines to meet with our Network partners from the nations of Guahan (Guam), Hawai’i, Japan, Korea, Okinawa, and Philippines in order to develop a fuller shared understanding of the current political context around militarism, to craft a feminist narrative of genuine security and a culture of life, and to develop a global strategy that challenges the prevailing narrative of the necessity for militarization and militarism to achieve “world peace” and “national security.”

We will take what we learn at this convening and apply it to our organizing and popular education programs and resources as well as share it out to the greater public.

WGS is a 100% volunteer-based group comprising students, teachers, faith leaders, language interpreters, organizers, policymakers, writers, and parents. We have worked with our Network partners to develop a shared feminist analysis of militarism and coordinated organizing against the harmful effects of U.S. bases, military budgets, and military operations. Working together has enabled us to share experiences, information, and effective organizing strategies. We are currently committed to working in 4 languages because interpretation/translation is a crucial component of our political work. Through this translocal organizing we call for an end to all forms of violence and for economic development based on real peoples' needs. 

At a time when US military spending is at an all time high, when US militarism is driving instability and insecurity in and across Asia, the Pacific, and the US, our Network gathering in the Philippines will allow us to share, strategize, and organize for genuine security.  Please support us toward this goal!

Help us continue our empowerment and our work by DONATING to our fundraiser TODAY! Please donate as generously as you are able. You can also donate:

⬤ $1000 (or $100): for 1000 US bases and installations around the world.

⬤$250 (or $25): for the 25th anniversary of Women for Genuine Security 

⬤$70: for the 7 members of WGS attending this year's convening

⬤$40: for the approximate number of folks attending this year's convening from Guahan (Guam), Hawai’i, Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Philippines, and the United States. 

⬤Whatever amount that's good for you!

Thanks for learning about us and joining us in our international movement to end militarism, militarization, and military violence violence and to promote genuine security.

If you want to attend our virtual report-back to hear about our next steps after the gathering, save the date: 27 June 2023

If you want to learn more about WGS or stay in touch, find us at the following links: 

⬤Our website: http://www.genuinesecurity.org/index.html

⬤Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Women-for-Genuine-Security-WGS/100064495457749/

⬤Our Instagram: @genuine_security

Women for Genuine Security is a fiscally sponsored project of the Peace Development Fund. Donations are 100% tax-deductible.

More photos from our last convening at Naha/Nafa, Okinawa in 2017:

This fundraiser supports

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Peace Development Fund Inc

Organized By Tracy Zhao

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