GivingTuesday 2024- Madison Area CLT
$1,550 Raised
Our Mission:
MACLT's mission is to liberate land for the benefit of historically marginalized populations at the lowest incomes possible, preserve urban space for community use, and create deeply and permanently affordable homeownership opportunities for those typically exploited by the housing market.
Since 1991, MACLT has been Dane County’s only nonprofit providing permanently affordable homeownership opportunities using the community land trust (CLT) model. As one of over 300 CLTs in North America, MACLT holds land in trust for the benefit of the community, and sells homes on this land to low-income buyers at a subsidized price. The homeowner agrees to "pay it forward," and sell the home at an affordable price to the next low-income homeowner (based on a resale formula in the ground lease). This way, MACLT ensures that the homes remain affordable for future generations, even as property values in the surrounding area may rise. The CLT model has proven to help to prevent displacement and maintain diverse, inclusive neighborhoods.
Impact that Grows Over Time
We have used public dollars from the City of Madison to preserve affordability for over 62 homes in Madison, but the impact goes beyond the first buyers of those homes. MACLT has enabled over 123 low-income families to access affordable homes. We have already doubled the impact of public dollars invested into the CLT, and this impact will grow with time.
Stability for Low-income Homeowners
MACLT property map.
Housing Development
Post-Purchase Support
MACLT is the "developer who doesn't go away," providing ongoing post-purchase support to ensure a smooth homeownership experience for our first-time homebuyers. This commitment includes:
Your commitment to ensuring everyone has a stable place to live is what helps us grow. Will you consider a gift to MACLT today to support the development of more permanently affordable homes?
Visit our website to learn more!
Organization name
Madison Area Community Land Trust
Tax id (EIN)
Community , Economic Development
902 Royster Oaks Dr Ste 105