UCCA - Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

A nonprofit organization

$2,463,370 raised by 6,818 donors

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) is a non-profit, non-partisan community-based organization that has represented the interests of Ukrainians in the United States since 1940.  UCCA maintains local all-volunteer chapters across the United States, with a national office in New York City, as well as a Washington, D.C. bureau, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS). In accordance with local statutes, UCCA bylaws and guidelines, dozens of local branches of UCCA are incorporated throughout the United States. They are charged with meeting the needs of both their dues-paying membership and the larger Ukrainian American community in which they operate, as well as identifying and promoting activities of specific interest to their members, and representing the Ukrainian American community in their given territory in the best possible way. 


Since 1940, UCCA has convened delegates from across the U.S. at its quadrennial "Congress of Ukrainians in America." These conventions elect an Executive Board to carry out the plans and directives agreed upon at the Congress, under the guidance of UCCA's National Council, the highest ruling body between conventions. 

UCCA unites nearly 30 national Ukrainian American organizations under one umbrella body, UCCA's National Council, consisting of representatives of UCCA local branches, delegates of the main Ukrainian religious faiths in the United States, the Editor-in-Chief of “The Ukrainian Quarterly,” as well as fraternal, educational, youth, veteran, religious, cultural, social, and humanitarian organizations.

Both the Educational Council of UCCA - Шкільна Рада при УККА – and UCCA’s Council on Aid to Ukrainians (RODU) - Рада Оборони й Допомоги Українцям при УККА (РОДУ), function under the oversight of UCCA’s National Council. Founded on the initiative of UCCA’s Second Congress of Ukrainians in America in 1944, today the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) - Злучений Український Американський Допомоговий Комітет (ЗУАДК/ЗУДАК), is an independently registered organization that continues to spearhead assistance for Ukrainian war victims and refugees on behalf of the Ukrainian American community as a member of UCCA’s National Council.  

UCCA is a founding member of the Central and East European Coalition, which coordinates the efforts of national ethnic organizations representing 20 million Americans. 

In 1967, UCCA collaborated with like-minded organizations to create the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), the largest international assembly of Ukrainian public organizations. Since 2003, UWC is a registered NGO in consultative status with the United Nations, where UCCA representatives attend weekly briefings and committee meetings on behalf of the worldwide Ukrainian diaspora of over 20 million people.  As of the XI Ukrainian World Congress convention in 2018, the President of UCCA serves as the Third Vice President of UWC and UCCA's Executive Director serves as UWC's Regional Vice President for all Ukrainian Diaspora organizations in North America.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

UCCA - Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid


203 2ND AVE
NEW YORK, NY 10003


212 228 6840

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