Dawn Springer Dance Projects

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Create Wisconsin Inc
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Synthesizing contemporary ballet and feminist thought.


raised by 37 people

Dawn Springer Dance Projects synthesize contemporary ballet and feminist thought. The performances employ an empathetic mode of watching dance, valuing virtuosity as a form of agency for the dancer, particularly as it relates to gender. The choreography, made in close collaboration with dancers, composers and artists from other mediums, contrasts powerful and explosive vocabulary with distilled moments of physical surrender.  Emphasizing the felt experience over spectacle and athleticism, DSDP engages multiple movement forms to push the boundaries of how we view dance and the dancer. 

More info at www.dawnspringer.com.

You can show your support through this Mightycause site, or via check payable and sent to Create Wisconsin, Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701-1054.  Please include a note that the donation is for Dawn Springer Dance Projects.

Thanks for your support!

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