Organization name
Create Wisconsin Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Community , Economic Development
PO BOX 1054MADISON, WI 53701
You can use this site to support Create Wisconsin, as well as our fiscal receiver project, Friends of the Fine Arts Quartet.
Create Wisconsin’s vision, mission, and purpose are to weave together arts, community, and economy, to grow a thriving state with creativity at its core. For nearly thirty years, Create Wisconsin has been Wisconsin’s leading independent statewide community cultural development organization. Our job has been to activate and encourage a thriving, equitable, creative environment and infrastructure in every corner of the state. We’ve stayed in tune with and ahead of trends, issues and opportunities as the catalyst for creative growth, access, and equity.
Please support Create Wisconsin's work! There are several ways to show your support:
Use this Mightycause site
Send a check to Create Wisconsin, Inc. (payable to), Box 1054, Madison, WI 53701-1054.
Your support is an investment that will make it possible for Create Wisconsin to:
Grow strategic alliances, coalitions and partnerships, to strengthen Wisconsin’s artistic and creative infrastructure.
Please join us at this exciting moment, and into the future, by supporting Create Wisconsin.
Why Create Wisconsin? Create Wisconsin is the way forward at this opportune, historic moment in time. We're creating the infrastructure needed to invest in our abundance of creative people, organizations, businesses, and communities, and the next stage in the evolution of Wisconsin’s only independent community cultural development organization. We’ve always been an organization with a broad perspective and engagement from the ground up in every corner of the state. Create Wisconsin will build on that foundational work to expand our reach and impact in advocacy and visibility for creative economic, workforce, and community development; civic engagement; access, equity, and inclusion, towards a strong infrastructure of creative people, organizations and businesses, and communities.
As we envision and create a post-pandemic world, this call to action is more urgent than ever: Wisconsin must invest in its creative economy. Create Wisconsin enables us to deeply engage with Wisconsin's people and communities, partner locally, regionally, and statewide, to ensure access to creative opportunities for everyone, everywhere in the state, and to help us work creatively, strategically, and entrepreneurially to
We're changing our name, but we're not changing - in fact, we're expanding - the innovative advocacy, service and development we do to grow Wisconsin creatively. Go to to learn more about Create Wisconsin and Wisconsin's exciting creative sector.
And go to to support one of our fiscal receiver projects!
Please get in touch ( | 608 255 8316) with questions, comments, ideas, and suggestions as we leap into this exciting new evolution of our work. Many thanks for powering Create Wisconsin from the ground up!
Mal Montoya, Milwaukee, President
Christopher Naumann, Green Bay, VP
Jennifer Stephany, Appleton, Treasurer
Carolyn Nelson-Kavajecz, Superior, Secretary
Chris Clemens, Viroqua
Nicole Foster, Ashland
Chiwei (Jerry) Hui, Eau Claire
Sam Luna, Ripon
Tom Targos, Kenosha
Zach Vruwink, Madison
Organization name
Create Wisconsin Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Community , Economic Development
PO BOX 1054