Together We Bake Giving Tuesday 2018

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Together We Bake
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Just $65 can help pay for transportation for a woman participating in Together We Bake's program.


raised by 46 people

$5,000 goal

Thank you for your donation!

Update posted 6 years ago

Thank you so much for donating to Together We Bake’s Giving Tuesday campaign and making this our most successful Giving Tuesday ever. We raised over $1,000 more than last year! Even though Giving Tuesday has passed, we can still hit our goal (less than $800 away!). Help us get there by continuing to share this campaign with your friends and family. Thank you!

Last year, we raised more than $3,000 to help cover transportation costs for women participating in Together We Bake's program. This year, let's exceed that goal and raise even more money for participants to help them with their transportation costs.

Just $65 can make a huge difference in the life of a woman in this program. 

Take Dana, for instance. Dana graduated from TWB’s summer program job-ready, empowered, and self-sufficient. Before coming to TWB, Dana suffered from addiction, homelessness, unemployment, and was previously incarcerated. She found a sisterhood and support network through TWB and new-found self-esteem. Dana not only thrived in the kitchen baking cookies, granola, apple chips, and trail mix, but also in empowerment groups, where she was able to be vulnerable and allowed others to share their vulnerability with her. Right after Summer graduation, Dana was hired by a bakery in DC. She has a job, a home, and is newly empowered to take on life!

Giving Activity


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